
Enterprise Open Source application is active, but the challenges

I think it is safe when in agreement with that, the open-source development, we are here to stay. Open and collaborative development fundamentally change how not just the code, but the code to do that. It's easier than ever to create complex solutions to reuse existing components. New report examines the Sonatype enterprise open source status. Strongly inclined towards the use of open-source Java, although the trend is interesting. Also it is important to note the Sonatype provides a management software solution is open source, so in this case, they are interested in the game. The data, which is worth the blow to the eye.

Almost 80% of the companies in the call software open source survey. It is interesting that two-thirds of them actively contribute to me: the return code consumes the upstream projects. There are also interesting, just shy of half the companies surveyed is the official open source policy. And those who have an official criteria, half of the respondents cite these policies, such as the adverse development success.

The policy of the official complaints regarding open-source shall be as follows:

It slows down the development
Discover the problems during the process of the late
It's not what you expect from us
There is no taxation

In addition, some organizations open source licensed software, even if the components and dependencies, also limit the use to verify permission. At first glance, it might sound like a big time loss, but in fact this is a good thing: open source license compliance is important and essential to the open-source general life. Of course, if these companies to comply with the license and then step on other copyleft licenses such as the GNU Public License is no longer a great agreement may submit applications.

Sonatype Nexus Professional, a primary product dependency problems, and Sonatype (once again, especially with regard to Java) to a Storage Manager identified in the agreements, the licence. The survey showed that 73% of the companies stay informed using the Web components research, new versions of the manual, or by visiting the Web sites directly to open source projects. Therefore clearly not effective. Code-sharing services also found that GitHub, Google code or SourceForge is not used heavily, as may be provided by the respondents.

The main motivation of this report, of course, the justification for Sonatype products. Emphasis, however, reveals a useful general information. For example, the financial sector is likely to be approved in the fully open source developers to block specific resources. Another interesting revelation: open source software for large companies where all aspects of security, maturity, and the overall quality of the code. Type of permit only a relatively small part of the interest of the respondents.

Regardless of whether the software is open source, the open-source delete introduced care unit is the traditional companies more popularity. Anything that can be done to compliance and consumption, Sonatype-Java and all other languages identified by problems is a good thing.


New daily show app gets high resolution video shows, still not let full episodes

Features: the daily show yesterday a brilliant parody connected yesterday the two Google, augmented reality glasses (aka project glass, or as I call it, "project sub now Warby Parker"?) as Instagram to sales of billions of dollars on Facebook. Properly, the show is now officially replace its old app and 2.0 all with a mobile app, new updated and revised - with video high definition. Yes, the daily show, this afternoon, tweeted his tech and general information related to the serenity is now available on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices in an application called "The Daily Show Headlines", get ready-plays: the daily show!

Show replaced the new false headlines earlier mobile app, which soon is not supported. The application of the first generation was a little havoc, it's heavy to navigate and only images and videos of low quality offered. A new alleviates the pain of high resolution and image headlines videos, easier to navigate through the page layout and the tiles of the video.

"Even when the daily show from the previous application, fans to see clips of Jon Stewart and his new team ever"(die_kaum_schlaegt_TechCrunch's_Best_Awesome_News_Team_Ever), whereas that sort clips video popularity and the "youngest". "." Users can also archive research, see the calendar of guests to come a week and learn more about their BIOS, visit the site, buy music/content or explore quotes random past emissions.

Another interesting feature of little is this set of memories TV melody app allows - you can find on the page "Guests" - with the ability to jump into the different segments of the show, such as "The subject", "the daily show in: 60 seconds" and "Explain of correspondents," while sharing clips, videos, messages, etc. on Facebook, Twitter or by email.

Unfortunately the full episodes are not available in the application and instead are available for $2 a pop up in iTunes. The app loses one or two points for the display of pop-up Windows in the footer - no word yet if they offer an app paid free of advertising - but overall for daily show fans is there to be an excellent resource. Also helps that it's free.


Influencers Wingsplay, pays viral video campaigns for NBC and oxygen

If a fun, potentially viral video has created a company, what is the best way to convince them to share? Wingsplay has a simple idea: they pay.

Advertisers pay video Wingsplay to promote this want to go viral. With accounts on Wingsplay and then visit the "Influencers" to see the videos. If you like one, you can link to the video on Facebook, Twitter or a blog, long mail, a personal message with the Hashtag "# viralad" (to comply with FTC disclosure requirements, and so are deceive you your friends). Then influence employees are paid on each view "seed" of the video, that generate them.

Is now non-paying people to promote new things on social networks. But unlike Adly, Wingsplay is to publish any video and content on the support of the employees of influence as more prominent concentrated - in other words, you have to participate in a great name, a network of friends or followers, who probably are simply content, you have in common. Founder Olivier Lasry, explains that influence employees mean Wingsplay reached 1000 friends of Facebook and the same number on Twitter real connections. (For example, I am not Charlie Sheen, but Wingsplay said that I could win my Twitter account to $2.880 per month). (Big time!)

Lasry, said Wingsplay has already completed its first two campaigns - one for the promotion of the trailer of his awake show and one of oxygen promote his Brooklyn 11223 NBC show. In these campaigns, Wingsplay believes that it will generate 3.2 video downloads for each paid notice.

"It was really our exceeded expectations," said Lasry. "We did not expect, as prices of the trailers have a high viral action."

Fifty - four percent of these views came via Facebook, compared to 37% on blogs and 9% on Twitter. 26% Of the members Wingsplay took in one of these two campaigns (as of Lasry argued) can mean that they are only sharing videos they really love all and money. An average of users who, in the campaign, said $50, Lasry.