
Tips to clear computer hard drive

The best repair is the one you don’t have to make. If you can keep your computer up to date and in tune, you and your PC will live a happier, more productive life. Cleaning the computer’s hard drive can speed up performance by as much as 500%!

When do I need to clean computer hard drive?
As is known, your hard drive can store volumes of potentially dangerous information, including viruses, business files and forms, bank information, credit card numbers, and personal login summaries. Windows offers us to right click the selected file and choose “Delete” to remove it from your computer into the Recycle Bin. When you empty the recycle bin, your files are still there and accessible.  All that has actually been removed is reference information to find the file. Finding these files is relatively easy with data recovery programs such as Acebyte Utilities. You need to clear your hard drive in any of the following circumstances:

Donate a computer
Throw a computer away
Sell a used computer
Buy a used computer
Remarkably slow performance
Why do I need to clear computer hard drive?
There are two essential reasons to use disk cleaner software when clearing your
hard drive:

1. To protect your confidential information.

You may have already formatted your computer. Perhaps you went the extra mile and verified that certain files were deleted. These files, however, leave physical imprints or shadows on your hard disk, and skilled computer hackers can access your confidential information—even after it has been “deleted”.

Acebyte Utilities from Acebyte, Inc.  completely clears your hard drive and removes all impressions that would compromise your information, all with absolutely no damage to your hard drive. A Permanent hard drive cleaner protects your information by ensuring that it’s is gone. Acebyte Utilities  deletes everything.

2. To Improve Processor Performance

Deleting files does not always remove every trace. Traces of old viruses along with months or even years of old data stored on your hard drive significantly diminish your processing capacity. Acebyte Utilities improves your computers speed by removing all programs, applications, and files that drain your computer’s power and memory. Acebyte Utilities improves your computer’s speed by removing unnecessary programs and files that drain your computer’s power and memory.

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